[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][block_title style=”column_title” inner_style=”simple” inner_style_title=”only_text” title=”Descripción de Cursos en Inglés” padding_desc=”28%” second_title=”Según el Catálogo de la UPR, Recinto de Río Piedras”][/block_title][vc_column_text]
EDFU 3001
Human Growth and Development I
Three credits. Three hours of lecture per week. The first semester will be devoted to an inquiry on the nature of psychology as background for a better understanding of the educational process. The growth and development of children and adolescents will be examined as well as the natural and environmental forces which influence the development of a well balanced personality. The second semester the student will analyze the psychological principles which underlie the teachinglearning process and the individual and social conditions which act upon it. Analysis of the process of evaluation and the principles underlying the creation of educational testing and grading.
EDFU 3002
Human Growth and Development II
Three credits. Three hours of lecture per week.
Prerequisite: EDFU 3001.
The first semester will be devoted to an inquiry on the nature of psychology as background for a better understanding of the educational process. The growth and development of children and adolescents will be examined as well as the natural and environmental forces which influence the development of a well balanced personality. The second semester the student will analyze the psychological principles which underlie the teaching-learning process and the individual and social conditions which act upon it. Analysis of the process of evaluation and the principles underlying the creation of educational testing and grading.
EDFU 3006
Organization and Administration of School Libraries
Three credits. Three hours of lecture per week. 141
the role of the school library in the modern educational program; standards for school libraries; selection and acquisition of books and other materials; cataloging and classification of books and administration of school libraries. Laboratory work in the libraries of the university elementary school and university high school will be an essential part of the course.
EDFU 3007
Social Foundations of Education
Three credits. Three hours of lecture per week.
Analysis of the basic social science principles in terms of the educational process. Study and discussion of the social problems that have conditioned the development of education in Puerto Rico.
EDFU 3008
Educational Implications of the Social and Economic Problems of Puerto Rico
Three credits. Three hours of lecture per week.
A condensed and intensive analysis and interpretation of the main social and economic problems of puerto rico, and of their educational implications. Population, production and distribution,standards of living, health, prostitution, crime, illegitimacy, race, education, and political status; their relation with the school task in the community; and the possible solutions offered by the school for these problems.
EDFU 3009
Principles of Cataloging and Classification
Three credits. Readings, lectures and laboratory work.
The theoretical and practical procedures for cataloging and classifying books and other materials. It comprises the study of the different kinds of card catalogs and systems of classification, especially the dewey decimal system of classification, the organization of a dictionary card catalog and the study and determination of subject headings.
EDFU 3015
Bibliography and Reference
Three credits. Three hours of lecture per week.
A study of the most important works in the different fields of research, including the basic types of reference materials; encyclopedias, dictionaries, yearbooks, handbooks, periodical indexes and bibliographies.
EDFU 3016
Selection and Evaluation of Library Materials
three credits. Readings, lectures and laboratory work.
The study of the problem of selection of library materials and the different methods used for selection: bibliographic handbooks, guides, catalogues, books, reviews, etc. The study of the criteria used in the evaluation of materials.
EDFU 3017
Evaluation of Learning
Three credits. Three hours of lecture per week.
Prerequisites:EDFU 3001-3002. To create consciousness on the part of the student-teacher toward the philosophy of evaluation as a part of the educational process and to promote a knowledge of the quantitative and qualitative techniques of evaluation and their uses. The evaluation techniques will be analyzed and practice will be offered in the development of valid and reliableevaluation instruments to identify, stimulate, predict and guide the students behavioral characteristics. This course also includes the organization, presentation and statistical analysis of the results as presented by the evaluation instruments and the interpretation of this data to make intelligent decisions in relation to teaching strategies.
EDFU 3020
Psychology of Reading
Three credits. Three hours of lecture per week.
Prerequisites: EDFU 3001, 3002; EDFU 3017.
Study of the reading process on the basis of psychological and cognitive orientation as well its educational implications. The course provides opportunities for getting acquainted with the various models to explain the development and consolidation of the reading process, as well as the psycholinguistic, sociolinguistic and pedagogical dimensions that underline it. Students will have the opportunity to study the ways in which reading achievement is measured.
Education for Family Life
Three credits. Three hours of lecture per week.
Importance of the family as a social and educational institution. Discussion of problems related to courtship, mate selection, husband-wife relationship, child-parent relationship and the educational and social implications of these problems.
EDFU 3029
Seminar of Personal Development
One credit. Three hours of seminar per week.
Personal growth experiences in small groups through which the student enters in a process of self-exploration and self knowledge. It places emphasis on the student values, attitudes, feelings, beliefs, motivations, and needs, inasmuch as these have bearing upon his personal and occupational performance. The seminar employs the group-counseling strategy in the process of giving and receiving aid.
EDFU 3030
Education for Peace
Three credits. Three hours of lecture per week.
Critical analysis of the foundation of the education in regard with the phenomenon and ideal of peace.
EDFU 3035
School Discipline
Three credits. Three hours of lecture per week.
Prerequisite: permission of the director.
A wide perspective on the models of discipline and the practical use of these models either in simulation or classroom.
EDFU 3036
Evaluation in Early Childhood
Three credits. Three hours of discussion per week.
Prerequisites: EDFU 3001 or ECDO 3007; EDFU 3002.
This course examines the foundations methodology and interpretation of the evaluation processes in the different stages of early childhood learning and development. Requires fifteen (15) hours of field experiences.
EDFU 3037
History of Education in Puerto Rico
Three credits. Three hours of lecture per week.
Analysis of the changes that had happened in the puerto rican educational system as a result of the historical events in the spanish colonization and in the change of soberany. It will discuss the ideas, problems and historical views of this events.
Health Education in the Elementary School
Two credits. Two hours of lecture and one of laboratory work per week.
Prerequisite: consent of the director.
Study of the basic content, objectives, organization and implementation of a health program in the elementary school. Laboratory experiences required.
Health and Safety in the Education of Preschoolers
Two credits. Two hours of lecture and one of laboratory work per week.
Emphasizes the identification of problems, planning, and evaluation
of health services and security in the education of preschoolers. Analyzes
public policy, laws and regulations in force. Requires a minimum of fifteen (15) hours of field experience.
Legal Foundations of Education
Three credits. Three hours of lecture and discussion per week.
Legal aspects related with the overall process of education, the teachers, the students and the community are examined and analyzed. Two analytical models or schemes will be used; the hierarchy of norms and the jurisprudence. The course includes, in its legal approach, the following aspects. Among others: the right to education and the constitution of the commonwealth of Puerto Rico vis a vis the constitution of the united states, the special education law, the puerto rican department of educations organigram (functions, levels of authority and administrative apparatus), students and teachers’s civil rights and duties, corporal punishment, discipline, teacher’s assaults, vandalism, drug abuse, laws related with child and youth’s affairs, law number 30 (people access to schools), and the legal implications of aids in the school environment.
Critical Thinking and Education
Three credits. Three hours of lecture per week.
Analysis of theoretical and practical models of the critical thinking applied to education.
Biomedical Aspects of Health Education.
Three credits. Three hours of discussion per week.
Prerequisites: biol 3711-3712.
Study of the general development of modern illnesses and its different levels of prevention. Includes de basic principles of epidemiology, microbiology, parasitology and immunology; the description most common transmittable and non-transmitable diseases, chronic and degenerative diseases and exceptionalities.
Pedagogical Implications to Woman’s Study
Three credits. Three hours of lecture per week.
This course analyses the pedagogical implications of the woman’s study.
It deals with the modeling of the cooperative learning skills and the
epistemological and axiological models proper to this field of study.
Edfu 3095
Aids: Education and Prevention
Three credits. Three hours of lecture per week.
This course discusses the biomedical, psychosocial and legal-ethical aspects
of inmuno deficiency acquired syndrome. It has a multidiciplinary and
inetrdiciplinary focus, it is directed not only to the tradicional university
community but, also, to the puerto rican community, its public and private
agencies and organizations and institutions.
Seminar: Child, Family, Society and Culture V
Two credits. Three hours of lecture and three of laboratory work per week.
Prerequisites: edfu 3031-3032.
Seminar for students in the special education program dealing with the
discussion of field experiences in different cultural school environments and other social agencies and institutions at the service of exceptional children.
Seminar: Child, Family, Society and Culture VI
Three credits. Three hour of lecture and three of laboratory work per week.
Prerequisites: edfu 3031-3032.
Seminar for students in the special education program dealing with the
discussion of field experiences in different cultural school environments and other social agencies and institutions at the service of exceptional children.
The Child and His Social Milieu
Three credits. Three hours of lecture per week.
Study of the child from the social and cultural viewpoints; analysis of the
social forces and their effects on human behavior, the socializing function of the more important agencies and their contribution to the realization of
educational objectives.
Principles of Research
Three credits. Three hours of lecture per week.
The purpose of this course is to acquaint the student with the techniques
and methods of scientific research. It is geared to the development of the ability to identify problems and hypotheses and to the selection of methods for gathering, analyzing and interpreting data.
The Role of the Teacher in Guidance
Three credits. Three hours of lecture per week.
This course introduces teachers to the various facets of the guidance function and provides practical help in the operations of that function in the school. Emphasis is given to understanding the needs of children and
youth, recognition of recent findings about child and adolescent development, ways of studying individual students, the dynamics of group interaction, the relationship of guidance and the curriculum, opportunities for guidance afforded to the teacher in the classrooms, homerooms, and
cocurricular activities, cooperation with parents in encouraging pupil adjustment, and the ways of involving the total school staff in a coordinated guidance program.
montessori: alternatives in education
three credits. Three hours of lecture per
Prerequisite: consent of the director.
The course will familiarize the future
teacher in early-childhood education
in the montessori method.
foundations of public health education
three credits. Three hours of lecture per
The role of education in developing
basic concepts of public health and
the means for preserving, improving and
promoting individual and community
health. Emphasis on public health
problems in puerto rico and the
contribution of the school and other
agencies to their solutions. The
prevention of illness, environmental
sanitation, nutrition, personal, dental and
industrial hygiene, safety and first aid
and mental hygiene.
basic statistics in education
three credits. Three hours of lecture and
one hour of laboratory work per
Introduction to the principles of
statistics with special emphasis on
non-parametric methods. Designed to
prepare students for an advanced
research course in education at a
graduate level. It will cover: elements in
data collection, notions on probability,
the normal curve, central tendency and
dispersion; all these leading to the study
of the most common non-parametric
techniques. Laboratory experiences will
be an essential part of this course.
Ethics and education
three credits. Three hours of lecture per
Prerequisite: edfu 40 19.
This course deals with the philosophical
foundations of ethics as it relates to the
field of education. The analytical
approach; concepts like value, axiology,
morality, autonomy, heteronomy,
equality, value clarification among
others, concepts and problems of the
puerto rican education in the domain
of the ethics.
issues of the puerto rican family and their
educational implications
three credits. Three hours of lecture per
Prerequisites: edfu 3001 and edfu 3032.
Through this course the student will
study in depth the socio-historical
background of the institution which is the
puerto rican family. The change it has
undergone from an agricultural society
to an industrial one. Some of the
topics to be discussed are the sacred
responsibility in family rearing,
economical emancipation of women, etc.
philosophical foundations of education
three credits. Three hours of lecture per
Study of philosophic theory and its
relation to pedagogical practice.
Presentation of major problems that have
been caused by conflicting educational
philosophies in terms of their historical
development and their present day
impact. The course emphasizes and
clarifies the role of the teacher in
regard to educational goals, curriculum
programs, and evaluation. Basic
philosophical problems such as the
meaning of truth and knowledge, the
relation between knowledge and action,
the nature of beauty, truth, happiness,
and their educational implications are
analyzed. The course also endeavors to
promote an understanding of the way in
which the development of the scientific
method, the progress of democracy,
changes in social and economic
institutions, and the advance of human
knowledge demand changes in
philosophical attitudes as well as in all
educational practice.
school health education
three credits. Three hours of lecture per
A study of the health problems of
pupils. The scope of an overall health
program in the school; the healthy
school environment; provisions for
immediate health services; the
development of desirable health habits
and attitudes; the responsibility of the
teacher in the program; the rol of health
education in the school and in the
introduction to the cognitive theory of
jean piaget and its application to the
four credits. Three hours of lecture and
one of laboratory work per week.
Prerequisites: edfu 3001-3002.
Through this course the student
teacher will be able to understand the
theory of piaget and apply the same in his
work as teachers.
seminar on group dynamics
three credits. Three hours of lecture per
Prerequisites: edfu 3001-3002, 3007, 4046.
Study of the structure, interaction
and leadership in social groups. Special
emphasis on the role of the teacher
working with groups of adolescents,
on the diagnosis of specific group
problems and techniques for solving
them in a democratic way.
aesthetics and education
three credits. Three hours of lecture per
Prerequisite: edfu 4019 or its equivalent.
This course introduces the future
teacher into the realm of aesthetics
theories and their relation to culture and
education. The instituto de cultura
puertorriquena will offer practical
experience through workshops and
seminars with leading puerto rican
educational psychology: topics and
special. Issues in child development
three credits. Three hours of lecture per
Prerequisites: edfu 4002 or edfu 4038 or edpe
Seminar on topics and fundamental
issues in child development, emphasizing
in the puertorican child.
Communication and its effect on social
three credits. Three hours of lecture per
The course will try to develop in the
student a clear understanding of the
process of human communication. The
variables involved and the psychological
and sociological factors which affect and
condition communication, so as to give the
communicator or encoder scientific
knowledge and control of the process. A
study of the theory of communication and
a survey of relevant theoretical fields,
such as theories of learning, group theory,
etc. A detailed analysis of various
communicative vehicles will follow,
comprising thewritten word, pictoric,
photographic and graphic presentations,
film withsound, radio and television.
Opportunities will be provided for the
studentsto develop skills and
understanding pertaining to the effective
utilization and the production of messages
through these media.
issues, problems and legal considerations
affecting minors in puerto rico:
educational implications
three credits. Three hours of lecture per
Prerequisites: one course in sociology and
edfu 3007
this course will give a foundation in
the legal aspects and civil rights which
affect the student and teacher.
logic, language and education
three credits. Three hours of lecture per
Prerequisite: for 3rd and 4th year
Introduction to applied logic in
education. Analysis of the logical
structure of communication in the
educational implications of the
psychology of childhood
three credits. Lectures, readings,
discussions and observations.
Prerequisites: edfu 3001-3002 or its
Psychology of childhood from birth to
adolescence and its application to
the problems of children in the school.
transactional analysis and its
application in the classroom
three credits. Three hours of lecture per
Prerequisites: permission of the director.
Theory and techniques of
transactional analysis and its
application and usefulness in the
transactional analysis in classroom –
games and script – second part
three credits. Three hours of lecture per
Prerequisite: edfu 4039.
Analysis and study of the games and
scripts so as to apply it to obtain better
discipline! And environment in the
educational implications of the
psychology of adolescence
three credits. Lectures, readings,
discussions and study of problems.
Prerequisites: edfu 3001-3002 or its
Psychology of adolescence, with
special reference to practical behavior
problems at home and at school.
mental hygiene in education
three credits. Lectures, readings,
demonstrations, case studies and small
group research.
A general consideration of the
psychology of human adjustment with
special reference to the mental health of
both the teacher and the child. Emphasis
on: the preventive and remedial therapy of
behavior problems, the relation of mental
hygiene with the school and the
community; mental conflicts and
personality maladjustments in teachers
and children; the understanding of human
attitudes and behavior, human relations
and mental hygiene.
sexual education for elementary and
secondary school
three credits. Three hours of lecture per
Prerequisite: edfu 3025.
This course will deal with the
methodology necessary for teaching
sexualconcepts for both elementary and
secondary school. Emphasis in sensitivity
techniques which will help the teacher to
deal with sexual problems in modern
career education
three credits. Three hours of lecture per
The course comprises the study and
analysis of the career education
concept. Emphasis is given to the different
ways in which all curriculum and
guidance activities can be geared to
prepare the individual for his economic
independence and to the appreciation of
the dignity of work. It also includes
the discussion of the different existing
occupations, the possible barriers in
the achievement of the necessary skills
and knowledge which allow
incorporation in them, and the importance
of the mastery of basic areas of
knowledge allowing for a successful life
in his particular occupation.
fundamentals of environmental
three credits. Three hours of lecture per
A review of environmental sanitation
and sanitary control of the environment
with the purpose of preventing disease.
Topics considered are: air, water, soil, and
food sanitation; pest control; the major
problems concerning swimming pools,
beaches and industrial establishment,
and effective ways of dealing with them
with existing resources.
problems of the puerto rican adolescent
three credits. Three hours of lecture per
Prerequisite: edfu 4045.
Seminar for the study of the problems
facing puerto rican adolescents.
Analysis of the problems that the
different socioeconomic environments
presents and the possible effects in the
aforementioned problems have on the
physical, social and psychological
changes that take place at this stage of
human development and growth;
intensive study of cases from the
different socioeconomic levels.
Implications for the secondary school
Education and rural life in puerto rico
three credits. Three hours of lecture per
A research course concerning the
rural social organization of puerto rico
in order to understand the social
environment of our rural school. An
analysis of research work done by
specialists in the field and a study of the
techniques of social research. Emphasis
will be given to the changing structure
of our rural society, urban-rural interrelationships,
the nature of the
curriculum for the elementary school of
the rural community, and plans for the
enrichment of rural life.
educational implications of the
psychology of adulthood
three credits. Three hours of lecture per
Prerequisites: edfu 3001-3002.
Study of the psychological principles
necessary for understanding the
post-adolescent and adult periods of life.
Thorough study of adult education
programs and teaching methods.
the nature of the culture of poverty and
its educational implications
three credits. Three hours of lecture per
Theories on poverty. The different
aspects of the economics problems
that face various groups in poverty
areas. Aspects such as cultural change,
geographical mobility, population,
ecology, and the impact of these and other
problems in the development of this
culture and upon the school. Economic
and educational implications of poverty
with reference to puerto rico. The
approach will be anthropological,
sociological and educational with
emphasis on present-day puerto rico.
society, economy and education in puerto
three credits. Three hours of lecture per
A study of culture and society in puerto
rico and their relation to education.
Study of the traditional and changing
patterns of puerto rican culture;
economic development and problems of
social change in puerto rico; politics and
the strategy of educational programming
in a historical perspective; problems of
educational control in puerto rico;
natural and human resources and the
social distribution of national
production; population growth
and structure and educational
requirements; urbanization and
industrialization and educational
projections and social class and
educational opportunities.
advanced educational sociology
three credits. Lectures, readings, reports
and discussion.
An advanced course on the sociological
foundations of education, dealing
with the relation of education and such
topics as: culture, socialization,
social stratification, social control,
social disorganization and social
change. The patterns of human relations
within the school and the relation
between the school and the community
will be examined. Implications of these
topics for education in contemporary
puerto rican culture will be dealt with
throughout the whole course.
the organization and administration of
health education programs in school and
three credits. Three hours of lecture per
Prerequisites: edfu 3007.
Principles of organization and
administration for health education
programs in school and communities;
factors promoting community
developments; administrative structure
and participating agencies; the various
possible health services patterned and
how these could be operational; ways
and means of financing such programs,
utilization of the human resources in the
instrumentation of the health education