Título: Tales from PE: Using Project-Based Learning to Develop 21st-Century Skills in PETE Programs

Autor: Luis Estrada Oliver, Lizmarie Rodríguez, Ambar Pagan

Descripción: For shape America teacher candidates (TCs) must master common specialized knowledge for teaching preK–12 physical education (PE). In addition, TCs are expected to develop critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication, and analyzing skills that are important attributes in the 21st century. Among the specialized knowledge required to be applied in Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) programs, project-based learning (PBL) has emerged as an alternative that TCs can learn and implement as a tool to teach PE skills and develop the 4Cs (communication, creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking). As a nontraditional pedagogical model (PM), PBL can provide significant benefits and experiences for TCs to identify and solve problems in the PE field. PBL is identified as an instructional method that teachers can use to prepare students to be college and career ready in the 21st century (Treadwell, 2018). The purpose of this article is to describe the application of PBL in PETE programs to develop the 4Cs for 21st-century education.

Revista: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group

Fecha: 27 de julio de 2020

Tipo: texto

Formato: PDF

Identificador: DOI: 10.1080/08924562.2020.1764305

Lenguaje: Inglés

Título: Relationship between the set outcome and volleyball skills in a professional volleyball champion male team in Puerto Rico

Autor: Anthony Meléndez Nieves, Gamaliel Santiago Celeste, Julio Rodríguez Torres

Palabras claves: game analysis, volleyball skills, volleyball

Descripción: Volleyball skills or factors that affect the outcome of a volleyball match can vary according to the level of league competition or team attributes. This study aimed to determine whether any volleyball skills or factor predicted set outcomes of the games played by the team that won the Male Championship Professional Volleyball League in 2016. A total of 33 matches and 133 sets were observed of the male volleyball championship team during the 2016 season. Errors in serve, points in serve, points in attack, blocking points, reception efficiency, total digs, complex I efficiency, complex II efficiency, and total errors were the variables assessed in this study. The result showed that the variables of errors in service, point service, blocking points, complex I efficiency, complex II efficiency, and total digs were significant predictors of set outcomes.

Revista: International Journal of Physical Education, Sport and Health 

Fecha: 2020

Tipo: texto

Formato: PDF

Identificador: DOI: https://doi.org/10.22271/kheljournal.2020.v7.i5a.1825

Lenguaje: Inglés

Título: Relationship between the set outcome and volleyball skills in a professional volleyball champion male team in Puerto Rico

Autor: Anthony Meléndez Nieves, Gamaliel Santiago Celeste, Julio Rodríguez Torres

Palabras claves: game analysis, volleyball skills, volleyball

Descripción: Volleyball skills or factors that affect the outcome of a volleyball match can vary according to the level of league competition or team attributes. This study aimed to determine whether any volleyball skills or factor predicted set outcomes of the games played by the team that won the Male Championship Professional Volleyball League in 2016. A total of 33 matches and 133 sets were observed of the male volleyball championship team during the 2016 season. Errors in serve, points in serve, points in attack, blocking points, reception efficiency, total digs, complex I efficiency, complex II efficiency, and total errors were the variables assessed in this study. The result showed that the variables of errors in service, point service, blocking points, complex I efficiency, complex II efficiency, and total digs were significant predictors of set outcomes.

Revista: International Journal of Physical Education, Sport and Health 

Fecha: 2020

Tipo: texto

Formato: PDF

Identificador: DOI: https://doi.org/10.22271/kheljournal.2020.v7.i5a.1825

Lenguaje: Inglés


Título: Association Between Birth Weight, Physical Activity, Sedentary Time and Body Fat in 11-13- year-old Hispanic Children

Autor: José A. Martínez, Annette Jiménez Rivera, Ivys Figueroa, Maribel Campos, Farah A. Ramírez Marrero, FACSM

Descripción: Birth weight and gestational age are early life factors linked to health characteristics during childhood and adolescence, such as obesity, physical activity (PA), sedentary time (ST). It has been suggested that birth weight is not as important as PA in the prediction of childhood obesity. However, these associations have been inconsistent across different studies, and suggestions of potential population specific differences have been proposed.

Revista: Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise

Fecha: 28 de mayo del 2020

Tipo: Texto

Formato: PDF

Lenguaje: Inglés

Título: Association Betwee Physical Activity, Sedentary Time, and BMI Percentile Among Hispanic Pre-school Children

Autor: Emmanuel Hernández Torres, Anthony Meléndez Nieve, Luis Estrada Oliver, Farah A. Ramírez Marrero, FACSM

Descripción: For healthy growth and development, physical activity (PA) guidelines for preschool-aged children suggest at least 3 hours/day of combined structured and unstructured PA. Prevention of childhood overweight and obesity is another health priority in this population. Among 1-6-year-old Hispanic children in Puerto Rico, the prevalence of overweight and obesity is approximately 60%. However, the association between obesity and accelerometer-based PA and sedentary time (ST) in this population have not been previously documented.

Revista: Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise

Fecha: 28 de mayo de 2020

Tipo: texto

Formato: PDF

Lenguaje: Inglés

Título: Introducing a TGfU Mini-volleyball Unit

Autor: Anthony Meléndez, Luis Estrada

Descripción: Physical educators face the challenge to promote active learning in their students. According to Shape America’s national standards, physically literate individuals apply knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance. Therefore, the application of a game-centered approach in physical education (PE) classes has the potential to enhance student learning and to develop students as active learners (Parry, 2014; Tan, Chow, & Davids, 2012). Certainly, Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) is one of the more prominent game-centered approaches that have been applied and studied in the PE field (Harvey & Jarret, 2014). The purpose of this article is to explain how to implement TGfU with the mini-volleyball approach and for beginners.

Revista: Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance

Fecha: 22 de noviembre de 2020

Tipo: Texto

Formato: PDF

Identificador: DOI: 10.1080/07303084.2019.1658499

Lenguaje: Inglés

Título: Introducción a la psicología del deporte y la actividad física

Autor: Fernando José Aybar Soltero y Jennifer Morales Cruz

Descripción: El texto propone un recurso escrito que sirva para explicar los fenómenos, dinámicas, procesos y alcances que se procuran trabajar desde la psicología del deporte y la actividad física (PDAF) como disciplina académica y área de trabajo aplicado.   Su lectura permitirá al lector entender mejor lo que sucede en el interior de un atleta, equipo y todo aquel que procura en la actividad física alcanzar un sentido de bienestar.

Editor: Editorial Gaviota

Fecha: 2020

Tipo: texto

Formato: libro físico

Identificador: ISBN: 978-1-61505-446-6

Idioma: español